Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Iron Browser : Chrome Browser + + + +

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Iron Browser : Chrome Browser + + + +
Iron Browser merupakan klonengan Chrome (source code nya sama) plus beberapa tambahan feature dan ada juga feature yg dikurangin (alasan privasi)

Chrome vs Iron: perbedaaan utama antara lain (di Iron feature ini di delete)

A copy of Google Chrome includes a generated installation number which will be sent to Google after the installation and the first usage. It gets deleted when Chrome checks first time for updates.If Chrome is received as part of a promotional campaign, it may generate a unique promotion number which is sent to Google on the first run and first use of Google Chrome.

Depending on the configuration, each time you put something in the address line,this information is sent to Google to provide suggestions.

Depending on the configuration, if you have typed a false address in the adress bar, this is sent to Google and you get an error message from Google's servers.

Depending on the configuration, details about crashes or failures are sent Google's servers.

This Chrome-function transmits information in encoded form to Google, for example, when and where Chrome has been downloaded.

Chrome installs a updater, which loads at every Windows in background.

Calls depending on the configuration five seconds after launch the Google homepage opens in background

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